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Your Company’s Front Page

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Share Good News on All Levels of Organization!

What should the Front Page of your company newspaper look like? Broadcast the latest news and information, from company-wide announcements to team- and project-specific updates.

Screen shot 2013-10-11 at 9.53.50 AMRealtime Client News and Industry Updates

What should your team be aware of in order to stay on top of their game? Feed your front page with real-time updates on your top clients, industry news or even your competitor’s status, so no one misses a beat.

Screen shot 2013-10-11 at 8.44.38 AMTeam Communication & Collaboration

The secret to success in any business is the ability of all parties to communicate effectively, collaboratively and in a timely manner. MYbusinessOS enables realtime team communication, collaboration and cohesion.